2021 Michigan Trip - Ozark National Forest, Texas, and Missouri
The first actual birding stop on the way back home from Michigan was a combination of three locations, one in Western Missouri near Kansas City, one in the Ozarks of West Arkansas, and one in Northwest Texas on the way to Colorado. While the stops in Texas and Missouri weren’t so severe and were mainly just to look at the local wildlife, the birding area in the Ozarks was for a few species on the brink of endangerment. However, we also got a lot more ticks. My Dad seemed to be the magnet for them, as he got all the ticks in the Southeast. We were unable to determine all the tick species, but one of them was the Lone Star Tick (Amblyomma americanum), which apparently doesn’t carry Lyme Disease but is a host to a plethora of other nasty illnesses. None of us got bitten by ticks, though mosquitos were definitely a problem (I counted up 25 mosquito bites on myself alone).